Invitation of Teacher Unions To An Emergency Meeting With MoE

Invitation of Teacher Unions To An Emergency Meeting With MoE
We bring you warm compliments from the Ministry of Education and wish to respectfully invite you to an emergency meeting with the Hon. Minister.
The meeting is scheduled as follows:
Date: 30th September, 2024
Time: 9:00am
Venue: Minister’s Office (Ministry of Education)
1. Consideration of the remaining items on the Collective Agreement for implementation
2. Any other outstanding issues
3. Your presence will be highly appreciated and we are grateful for your continuous collaboration and support in this matter.
CC: Hon. Minister, MoE Hon. Deputy Ministers, MoE Chief Director, MoE
Following the directives of the NLC on Tuesday, 26th March, 2024, after a declaration of a nationwide indefinite strike action on 20th March, 2024 by the three (3) Teacher Unions, The NLC met the disputing parties which include the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations and Pensions, Fair Wages and Salaries Commission, Ghana Education Service on one hand and the Teacher Unions on the other hand.
It would be recalled that the Commission having heard the dispute and having met the parties jointly and in separate (caucus) sessions, made some findings and thereby gave some directives and we write to report on them as follows;

These are the new demands from the three teacher unions:
★Housing Allowance
★Assessment Allowance
★Utility Subsidy Allowance
★Deprived Area Allowance
★CPD Allowance
1. That, on the issue of the laptops, we wish to report that as of today, Wednesday, 26 June 2024, not all the teachers have received their laptops. This is creating an uneasy calm and could disturb the peace if the Minister for Education doesn’t deliver on his promise of delivering the laptops to every teacher by the end of June 2024.
2. That, the parties should meet to continue negotiation on the financial items. We wish to report that part has been done and there are outstanding issues to be completed especially the Deprived Area Allowance.
Invitation of Teacher Unions To An Emergency Meeting With MoE
. That, the Teacher Unions should call off the strike action with immediate effect and report accordingly. We wish to report that this has been done.
4. On the issue of the embargo placed by the Office of the Special Prosecutor on the salaries of some teachers, we wish to report that, it has not been fully resolved. It is expected that this is done to prevent the current agitations.
5. Regarding the issue on the Scheme of Service, we wish to report that, the GES has delivered the document to the Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions will send the feedback to the employer by 15 July, 2024,
6. Finally, we wish to report that these are the outcomes of the engagement we have had and wish to bring same to the attention of the Commission for the necessary action to be taken on the outstanding issues in the interest of peace and harmony on the labour front.
Thank you.
Thomas T. Musah, General Secretary, GNAT
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The majority of teachers are unhappy about this because they expected the Union Leaders to maintain their position until a better requests were fulfilled.
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