MOH: Recruitment of 3 Batches (2020, 2021 & 2022) Trained Nurses and Midwives in 2024
MoH Recruitment Portal 2024

MOH: Recruitment of 3 Batches (2020, 2021 & 2022) Trained Nurses and Midwives in 2024
Warm greetings from the Leadership of GUNMA, hoping this information find you in good health.
Leadership had an emergency call from the Ministry of health on update about our financial clearance and permanent posting on the 4/7/2024,
It was discussed that MOH and MOF are working tirelessly to get the financial clearance before the end of August 2024.
It was also made known to us that, MOF is trying to cleared all backlog of nurse even though there’s financial difficulties in the country now.
Therefore we should exercise patience with the ministry and trust that they will try and grant us clearance before September 2024.
Leadership are not going to relax, but will continue to fight till the clearance is given to us.
Atta Asante
Government will begin the recruitment of nurses in the month of August 2024. This come us a good news to all parents and their wards who graduates from the public health training institutions across the country.
Qualified trainees seeking employment will have to apply online to select the preferred agency under the Ministry of Health they wish to be posted to.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Health on Monday said prospective applicants will have to submit their application for the recruitment exercise have the recruitment portal is finally open.

It, however, did not say the number of trained nurses the government intends to employ from the thousands of qualified nurses some of whom have been staying at home for over four(4) years now.
Our media house through diligent political investigation have been hinted that three batches of nurses and midwives will get their financial clearance in the month of August.
MOH: Recruitment of 3 Batches (2020, 2021 & 2022) Trained Nurses and Midwives in 2024. The decision comes on the back of the ministry of health issues warning to unemployed nurses and Midwives to be vigilant over fake recruitments.
1. It has come to the notice of the Ministry of Health (MoH) that there is a public announcement dated 10 March, 2024 in the mass media (print, electronic and new) about recruitment of general nurses by the Ministry.
2. We wish to state categorically that the Ministry did not make the public announcement in reference and should. therefore, be ignored.
3. The general public is entreated to take note that the Ministry does not charge any fees for the recruitment and posting of health workers.
4. Prospective applicants are, hereby, advised to desist from making any payments to individuals or groups in this regard. MOH: Recruitment of Trained Nurses and Midwives in 2024
5. By this press release, we wish to inform the general public that the Ministry has made significant progress in the process of recruiting more general nurses and other health workers into the health sector.

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Finally the time is due for us to be posted, Glory be to God this is a long awaited thing we prayed for thank you ministry of health