G.E.S Announces New Prospectus for Form One Students
Prospectus for SHS

G.E.S Announces New Prospectus for Form One Students
These are the important items that will be needed by the various Senior High School in the country.
1. Hard Body Suit Case or Trunk
2. Chop Box (Wooden/Plastic)
3.Drinking Cup, 1 Plastic or Stainless Plate and a Set of Cutlery
4. Toiletries (1 Deodorant, 1 pack T-roll, tooth paste, tooth brush, Soap, pomade and 2 packs of sanitary pads for girls)

5. Decent Sandals (school specific) – No embellishment
6. A Pair of Leather Slippers (school specific)
7. Decent Sneakers (black or white)
8. 2 Pair of Socks (school specific)
9. 1 Pyjamas/sleep wear
10. Under wear (5 pants and 3 vests for girls, 3 boxer shorts or pants & 3 Singlets for boys)
11. 1 Plastic Bucket with Cover and Pail

12. RSV/NIV Bible/Quran and Hymn Book for Christians (School Specific)
13. Pillow covered with Mackintosh
14. 2 Students’ bedsheets with 2 pillow cases – Plain white
15. 1 Blanket & Sleeping cloth
16. A Pair of Khaki Trousers
17. A Pair of White Trousers (school specific)
18. White dress for ladies
19. 2 White Shirts (1 short sleeve and 1 long sleeve)
20. Student’s Size Mosquito Net
21. 1 School Bag
22. 1 Mathematical Set & Scientific Calculator
23. Standard Graph Book
24. 2 Checked Dress (where applicable)
25. Student Mattress (where not available in the school)

26. Shoe (School specific colour)
27. Belt (School specific colour)
28. 1 Hoe/Cutlass
Group 1
List of School items (A third of students)
1. A pair of Hand Gloves (Hard)
2. Liquid Soap (5 litres)
3. 1 Kg Washing Powdered Soap
Group 2
List of School items (A third of students)
1. 1 Bleach (small size)
2. 1 Dust Pan
3. 1 Long Handle Broom
4. 1 Scrubbing brush
Group 3
List of School items (A third of students)
1. 1 Standing Mop and Mop Bucket
2. 1 Duster
3. 1 Short Local Broom
NOTE: All personal items should be embossed or embroidered with the student’s name.
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