SHS Female Student Abü$ed Viral Vide0-KUMACA

SHS Female Student Abü$ed Viral Vide0-KUMACA
A viral video of male students from Kumasi Academy Senior High School (KUMACA) phy$ically abú$ing a female student while falsely accusing her of committing a crime has surfaced online.
In a trending video, the male students are shown booing, lnsúlting, and b3atíng the young girl which has quickly gone viral.

The male students are shown in the video verbally abü$ng the female student non.stop and making charges against her and turning the argument into a phy$ical attack. The public’s anger and críticísm over the extremely unsettling scene have been overwhelming, and calls have been made for the authorities to act quickly to address the matter.
There are now serious worries over the s@fety and protection in light of this violent incident. Concerns regarding the safety and protection of female students in Ghanaian schools have become important as a result of this violent incident.

As these occurrences seem to be happening more frequently, many are questioning the growing culture of indiscipline within SHS institutions.
It is requested that the Ghana Education Service (GES) conduct a comprehensive inquiry into the occurrence and impose disciplinary measures on those responsible. The public is highlighting the necessity for actions to stop future occurrences of this kind of assault while also asking that the students who carried it out face h@rsh penalties.

The event, according to advocates for student welfare, is a reflection of larger problems with gender-based violence and harassment in schools, especially directed at female students.
Educational stakeholders are urging schools to enact more stringent procedures to protect children and promote a respectful and dignified culture in response to the video.
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